I am Cassidy Higley, an ICMS Case Manager at the Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD). I wantto tell you today about Mr. Patrick Blanke’s incredible journey. Patrick has been working with CRCD for nearly four years now. Before he came to work with CRCD, Patrick lived on the streets. He would talkto himself, had no concept of time, and at one point sold the prescription glasses off his face for cash. He was referred to CRCD after being put into the Coordinated Entry System through My Friends Place. His life changed when his first CRCD Case Managerapproached him in the shelter where he was staying and told him that he was special and that he wasn’t going to ruin his life.
CRCD gave him a family when he had no one else. His case managers went to the store and got him whatever he needed,told him he had a beautiful soul, and got him out of the shelter. The people he has worked with at CRCD told him he needs to love himself. CRCD became his voice of reason, the big sibling when he was so lost, skinny, and hurting. “When I don’t have anyone else, CRCD is there for me,” he said.
What he likes best about CRCD is that it gives him someone to check in with when he doesn’t have any other resources. “Sometimes, all a person needs is somebody to give a little feedback and care to know my self-worth,” he said sincerely. He described himself before CRCD as a “handicapped dorito who couldn’t even steal from the 99c .” After CRCD, he always had someone check in and ask him if he was okay. He appreciated always receiving what he needed most, even when he struggled to understand. “CRCD never gave up on me, and I know I can be hard to work with sometimes. But they never gave up.”
Patrick is proud of all he has accomplished at CRCD, which heavily aided his journey through sobriety. The support he receives helps him not give up on himself. When he has setbacks, he reaches out.
When he needs help, he seeks it. He knows that he’s not alone. “I knew I was struggling again when you told me that I lost weight too fast,” he told me. “I didn’t know how bad it wasgetting until you looked at me kindly and were honest with me.” Patrickrecognized a need for change because, as his case manager, I stopped by to see him and call him regularly. He is doing all the hard work he needs to do and recently got offered a new job. All his accomplishments are his own; every time he pulls himself back together, that is his strength. CRCD was able to give him the tools to make it happen. As an expression of gratitude, I painted a picture of a sunset as a gift to the CRCD office for us to put up.
I asked him what he is most excited about in the future, and he said he is most excited to have his spirit back and grow his eyelashes. Hewants to keep up with the Kardashian drama, he wants to see the sunset, and he wants to work. He is thrilled about all the possibilities his future holds. As someone who has seen his resilience and strength, it is an honor to see his journey with him. His refusal to give up is an inspiration.