Our Programs
Neighborhood-Based Community Development
CRCD’s overall approach is neighborhood-based community development. CRCD has a long-term commitment to improve the quality of life in South LA, with a focus on the Vernon-Central neighborhood. We have meaningful ties to local residents, businesses, community-based organizations, and other neighborhood institutions; a respect for local history; and a collaborative approach to supporting the community’s vision for the future.
CRCD is a youth-centered organization and we have a comprehensive approach to serving young people:
- We assist youth and young adults to further their education, pursue career pathways, and meet basic needs.
- We address the longstanding neighborhood conditions where young people reside — such as poverty, unemployment, public safety issues, and the lack of affordable housing.
- We engage in genuine collaborations to improve the policiesand systems impacting young people’s lives, such as education, justice, and foster care.
CRCD collaborates with diverse partners including young people, residents, businesses, community-based organizations such as All Peoples Community Center, educational institutions such as Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, national organizations such as YouthBuild USA, local government, the justice and foster care systems, foundations, corporations, donors, and others. In partnership with others who share our mission, CRCD is changing lives and building neighborhoods responsibly.

Our Programs

Workforce Development for Youth
Youth services have always been at the heart of CRCD’s purpose. By providing a trauma-informed approach to youth development, we were awarded a full spectrum of nationally recognized programs that are now available in South LA. Our programs serve disconnected and transition-age youth ages 14–26 who face challenges that traditional institutions cannot accommodate. CRCD’s approach to youth services prioritizes assessing the barriers that prevent youth from excelling in education and employment, addressing the longstanding neighborhood conditions where our young people reside, and engaging in collaborations that improve the policies and systems impacting a young person’s life.
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Workforce Development for Adults
The Workforce Development Department connects dislocated workers, veterans, and the formerly incarcerated with wraparound employment, training, and financial coaching services. As the lead agency operating the Vernon-Central/LATTC WorkSource Center, we are a proud partner of the America’s Job Center network. CRCD endeavors to identify employment pathways and provide individuals with the opportunities to succeed in a career with family-sustaining wages. CRCD team members form partnerships with our community members through one-on-one career coaching that effectively pairs people with personalized industry training, workforce readiness, financial coaching, entrepreneur training, re-entry programs, and other support services.
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Housing & Support Services
The Housing & Support Services Department develops and operates permanent supportive housing for youth and young adults, families, seniors, individuals with special needs, and other low-income populations. CRCD staff provides on-site support services at 7 of our permanent supportive housing developments in South LA, with a focus on helping our most vulnerable community members obtain safe and stable housing. Additionally, we provide voluntary services including independent living skills workshops and classes, money management counseling and community-based resources such as job training, health care, education, and re-entry programs. To serve the needs of youth ages 18–24 who are experiencing homelessness specifically, we operate Ruth’s Place, a drop-in center for those who would otherwise be on the streets.
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Business Empowerment Department
BusinessSource Centers provide startup ventures and current small business owners various cost-effective tools to make their business a success. Through these tools, small businesses can grow and remain competitive within the City of Los Angeles. Most services are provided at NO COST to Southeast LA business owners and resident entrepreneurs.
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Real Estate
CRCD is committed to shining a spotlight on the need to build housing for homeless youth and implement programs and resources that improve the lives of young adults facing multiple barriers to stability in South LA. In 2007, we began developing permanent supportive housing with on-site case management services for transition-age youth and affordable housing for low-income residents. We actively partner with elected officials, like-minded developers, and housing organizations to not only build new housing complexes but also to renovate historic South LA, preserve the cultural heritage of the community, and meet the housing needs of the area. We currently own and operate 14 developments which represent a combined investment of $160 million in South LA. In addition to the 464 units of affordable and permanent supportive housing the projects provide to the community, they also supply on-site case management services and program facilities. CRCD currently has 1,171 units in pre-development with a quarter of those set aside specifically for unhoused transition-age youth.
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