Success Stories
Success Stories
Community and workforce development improves lives
The Coalition for Responsible Community Development has been helping neighborhoods and individual members of the South LA community since 2005. Read success stories related to affordable housing, workforce development, jobs for youth and much more.
“The resources you provide are wonderful and life changing.”
Brian W.
Recently gained employment at Tesla with help from CRCD
“The CRCD Cure program was a chance for me to be part of something bigger than myself. Something that was going to benefit others, not just myself. This program will be the reason I am able to provide for my family. It is giving me the opportunity of a second chance at life.”
Karla V.
CURE Program alumna
“Through CRCD, I studied and worked to make opportunities for myself. I got a good paying job with the certifications that I earned. I even took care of my daughter for a year with the money that I earned without any support from family or friends.”
Erik A.
AA degree student at LATTC and CRCD Academy Graduate
“Once I was able to start putting into my mind that I can start my own business, I saw nothing but success. Now I have more business than I can handle. I am able to hire others to work for me. This is the opportunity that was given to me from coming to CRCD. I am now motivated and confident that my business will thrive and continue to grow.”
Dominga L.
Entrepreneur, South LA Small Business Entrepreneur Program
“No longer homeless, I went from a FICO score of 0 to 767. I just bought my first new car! My life is going great and I am thinking of my future. If it had not been for me coming to the WorkSource Center I don’t think any of this would have ever happened for me.”
Dan R.
Program Participant — Workforce & Economic Development, Re-entry & Financial Opportunity Center
“My biggest accomplishment with the CRCD program was when my Rapid Rehousing Case manager called me to explain how they would help me move into my own place and give me a bigger outlook on life. I just thank CRCD because without them none of this would be possible, they really brought me from a dark road to the light.”
Carl B.
Program Participant — Housing & Support Services
“CRCD came into our lives and turned it all around for us. We are home and we can finally breathe again all thanks to CRCD. Having a home means a lot to us. We are able to grow as a family.”
Kameko C.
Newly homed, Residences on Main